Xiaomi Super bloatware List 2020
date: 31/08/2020
note: the list may change among different xiaomi models. I am not responsible if some of these apps brick your device, so be careful.
note: to remove the bloatware I used this simple but powerful piece of sw: https://github.com/Szaki/XiaomiADBFastbootTools
edit: without the tool linked just above, I removed manually going to
settings -> apps
also the following: “Google Play Services for AR”, “Peel Mi Remote” (which is not Mi Remote but an invisible app probably only working in some regions) and “Ebay Activation Partner” (what is wrong with you Xiaomi?!).
Let’s begin:
obvious stuff:
- Youtube: I use youtube vanced + microg
- Notes: I use Keep so I remove that.
- Music: I use Spotify
- MiVideo: I use Google Photos / Xiaomi Gallery
- MiFileManager: I use Google FM
- GoogleOne: Remove, paid space.
- Facebook: remove.
- Downloads: full of ads, I use Google FM.
less obvious:
- PartnerNetflixActivation: remove, netflix works without it.
- Xiaomi SIM Activate Service: xiaomi find device, can use google one so safe to remove
- WMService: some say it softbricks your phone, to me it didn’t, it should be something related to ads, remove.
- VsimCore: A Russian forum claims it’s a part of the Mi Roaming application.
- SoterService: tencent stuff, remove.
- Services & Feedback: useless app, remove.
- MiPay: I use GPay
- MiMover: Transfer shit between Xiaomi Devices
- MiCredit: loan stuff, remove.
- MSA: ads stuff, remove.
- Joyose: ads stuff, remove.
- PartnerBookmarks: com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks Bookmarks in the stock browser from partners (advertising sponsors).
- MiDrop: app to transfer files, like weTransfer
- GetApps: xiaomi store, remove.
- Analytics: com.miui.analytics Analytics No more, no less, spy. Collects and sends a hundred times a day, an analytical report, about all your actions with the phone, to Xiaomi.
- Yellow Pages: com.miui.yellowpage Yellow pages Also called the Yellow Pages. Directory of companies. It is intended to notify that a number is calling you or sent you an SMS. But in fact, plows a campaign only in China. For this we boldly demolish. ; Yellow Pages to search for numbers and so far only for China, but the advertisement pulls decently. ;
- MiBrowser: I use Chrome, remove.
less obvious I removed but I need to investigate:
- Games: com.xiaomi.glgm Games / Games Service market separately for games, similar to “Google Play Games”, only this is from Xiaomi.
- HybridAccessory: Some say it’s related to PIP (picture-in-picture), but I’m sure it’s just ads (also because PIP works), I removed, maybe will investigate.
- MarketFeedbackAgent: Market Feedback Agent (GoogleFeedback.apk): some say allows apps to ask you to review them. Other say it’s just useless. I believe the latter.
- MiuiDaemon: may broke battery usage? (i don’t think so). anyway, this app collects and sends some data to chinese servers. data like: Time of activation of the screen;Amount of integrated storage memory;Loading statistics from the main memory;Battery and CPU statistics;If Bluetooth or Wi-Fi are enabled;The number of IMEI.
- MiPlayClient: ???
in doubt:
- Wallpaper Carousel: CAN’T REMOVE, ONLY DISABLE. com.miui.android.fashiongallery Wallpaper Carousel Dynamically change the wallpaper on the lock screen. Loads them from the Internet. Stupid and gluttonous, up to traffic and energy, balalaika. Tear down and forget.
- Browser: i suppose this is the default browser installed. so it’s chrome if you set it as default otherwise it’s mi browser. can keep unless you have no “mi browser” package.
stuff I didn’t remove because of a reason:
- Battery & Performance: battery related stuff, should also be battery saver, don’t remove
- Android Accessibility Suite: accessibility suite from Google, don’t remove.
- FeedBack: bugreport platform, there’s no need to remove.
- CatchLog: logs the catch, useful in bug reports, don’t disable
- Xiaomi Service Framework: Com.xiaomi.xmsf Xiaomi Service Framework The main component of all xiaomi services. Account, sync, cloud, backup
- Mi Cloud: I keep it but I guess it can be removed if you don’t use it
- Cleaner: this can be removed but I didn’t because if I clicked on its shortcut in settings I don’t like that nothing opens.
- Digital Wellbeing: can be removed as well if you don’t use it, but I do.
- POCO Launcher: launcher, don’t remove unless you have another one.
- UniPlay Service: required for wifi casting.
- Freeform: should allow to display stuff in mini-window. suggest to not touch.
- System Apps Updater: updater of xiaomi apps
- QuickBall: accessibility feature, small ball with shortcuts at the edge of the display
- Weather: if you don’t like it can be removed.
- MiShare: to share files with nearby devices. different from midrop. I don’t use but it’s not invasive so I keep it.
- Mi Wallpaper: wallpaper from xiaomi like super wallpaper and stuff. the app of wallpaper works but there won’t be any super wallpaper and other xiaomi wallpaper (online wallpaper), just local and preinstalled.
- Backup: useful for local backing up. don’t remove.
- Power detector: com.xiaomi.powerchecker Power Detector This is located under Security> Battery> Activity Control. In short, from FREEZing or deletion, in theory, problems with application control will begin. Which you put under the “lock” so that they are not unloaded from memory. But on the other hand, they won’t start. Since this is a stray from xiaomi and in android there is a service on this subject. But since this is Miui and there are eternal troubles, with the application settings configured in the background. I will not touch and do not advise you.
- Package installer: i guess not removable because it installs apps.
- Frequent Phrases: if you hold on like you want to paste a text, there’s a small frequent phrase window that appears.
- Mi Connect Service: needed for sync stuff among apps xiaomi account, you could remove if you don’t use a xiaomi account
- GBoard: you can remove, install a new keyboard first.
- Gmail: you can remove
- Google App: you can remove
- G Assistant: you can remove
- G Calendar: you can remove
- G Chrome: you can remove
- G Drive: you can remove
- G Lens: you can remove
- G Maps: you can remove
- G Photos: you can remove
- Recorder: you can remove
- Scanner: you can remove
- ScreenRecorder: you can remove
- Calculator: you can remove
- Clock: you can remove
- Compass: you can remove